«pl.it / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi», 12, 2021, pp. 180-200

Tomasz Jędrzejewski

University of Warsaw / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

“O ty, ze szkła zrobiona, przeźroczysta szklanko!”. Biesiadne wiersze filomackie wobec przemian tradycji anakreontycznej w początkach XIX wieku

“Oh you transparent glass, made of glass!” Philomath’s feast poems against the background of the transformation of anacreontic tradition at the beginning of the 19th century

ABSTRACT. For several years the poetry of the members of Philomat’s Society was held in rather low esteem, with the exception of Mickiewicz’s poems. It should be acknowledged that the large collection of Philomats’s works requires rereading and reinterpretation. This article focuses on the anacreontics that were written and improvised by Vilnius students. It seems that this genre especially attracted young poets who eagerly experimented with old literary conventions. I shall argue that Philomath’s feast verses, although deeply rooted in the established tradition, can be read as a modernized version of anacreontic poetry. One can notice a significant shift, in terms of motifs and style of expression, towards Romantic aesthetics.

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