«pl.it / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi», 11, 2020, pp. 66-85

Małgorzata Ślarzyńska

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Przekłady i recepcja powieści Ernesto Umberta Saby w Polsce

Translation and Reception of the novel Ernesto by Umberto Saba

ABSTRACT. This article focuses on the Polish reception of Saba’s novel Ernesto and its Polish translations: Halina Kralowa’s translation of its first two episodes (1987), and Jarosław Mikołajewski’s recent translation of the entire novel (2019). The primary factor taken into consideration is the position of “homosexual literature” in the Polish literary system in the 1980s: it is argued that the publication of Kralowa’s translation can be connected with a more general change in the field of gay-related literature in Poland. This article focuses also on the contemporary Polish reception of the novel and indicates two possible modes of interpretation: the universal one and the gay-related one in which the homosexual content is emphasised. The article raises the problem of the translation of the Triestine dialect, which was neutralised in both Polish translations. The strategy implemented in the translation of dialect in the novel is contrasted with the strategy used in the translation of culturems that tends to be foreignising. In conclusion, it is shown that the recent translation of the entire novel is an important contribution to and completes its Polish reception.

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