ABSTRACT. Illustrating the recent exhibition Estranged / Obcy w domu, the author wonders if, and how, contemporary Polish visual art has contributed to integrating the shame of the anti-Semitic campaign into the collective memory of the nation. She focuses in particular on the works of three artists: Krystyna Piotrowska, Erna Rosenstein, and Krzysztof Wodiczko, and on how the exhibition represents some currents in visual studies linked to historical narrative.
«pl.it / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi», 10, 2019, pp. 93-108
Laura Quercioli Mincer
University of Genoa / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Vedere il 1968. Qualche osservazione in base alla mostra Obcy w domu – Estranged, Museo “Polin”, Varsavia, 9 marzo-24 settembre 2018
Looking at March 1968. Some Observations on the Basis of the Exhibit Obcy w domu/Estranged, Polin Museum, March 9-September 24, 2018. Illustrating the recent exhibition Estranged / Obcy w domuKEYWORDS: Visual Art, Anti-Semitism, Historical Exhibits, Polish History, Cultural Memory, Historical Memory
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