ABSTRACT. The article describes the works of the Polish participants in the ground-breaking New York exhibition held at the Jewish Museum in 2002, Mirroring Evil. Nazi Imaginary/Recent Art, curated by Norman L. Kleeblatt. The works here exposed (Lego Concentration Camp by Zbigniew Libera, The Nazis by Piotr Uklański and Obsession by Macjej Toporowicz) show three different ways of confronting the past – the past of Europe and Poland ‒ of representing the ‘un-representable’, of working through the paths of postmemory.
«pl.it / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi», 9, 2018, pp. 144-162
Laura Quercioli
University of Genoa / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Con gli occhi dell’assassino? Ovvero “In Polonia non si è soliti parlare dell’Olocausto con l’ausilio di mattoncini assemblabili”
With the Eyes of the Murderer? Or “In Poland We Are Not Used Speaking About the Holocaust With the Help of Lego Bricks”
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